Monday 30 January 2012

My weekend


My weekend was pretty full for a change. It was my darlings birthday Thursday and we went out for a pub dinner with his family. It was a big plate of yummy. 

Friday night saw much drinking and funsies with friends. I didn't get a chance to photograph what I wore but it is a lovely little dress that I am sure to wear again.

Saturday was spent nursing the tiredness you get for staying up till 2 in the morning. But no hangover as I am sensible. Even when drinking sambuca and tequila shots I know when to stop. And then I went back to work for a day.

I am currently on holiday (from my job) this week. I have one day of being brave and going to my jobs head office tomorrow for a course (which I am seriously nervous about) and then I can chill with my friends and loved ones.

Today I have brought new shiny shoes and a shirt for tomorrow, looking the part helps and enlisted the help for picking these things out and general moral boosting of a friend. A phone call to my mum and the evening with my beau and I should feel calm enough to not let the nerves get the best of me. I am excited too, don't get me wrong, I'm hoping to learn lots that help me build my future. The main bug bear is having to get a train at 6.30 in the morning. I just hope I can still be at my best for getting up at 5 in the morning. 

Any way this week should see lots of blogging as I spend some well earned time doing things I love.


Ps; no wish list weekend as Collectif had a sale over the weekend and I brought some pretties that would have been featured. Can't wait to show you. x