Thursday 24 May 2012

I'm still here......


Well, just about still here.

Small up date, ahem, excuses as to my lack of blogging.....

After I quit my old job and started the new one, I wasn't getting enough hours (a common retail problem) and ended up working another job in the evening. After about a month of this I felt that I wasn't giving the first job what it required and left. On good terms which I am pleased with, I went before my lack of motivation due to sleepiness became a real issue and the manager was quite understanding.

I have also taken to Instagram and was beginning to wonder if perhaps I am better at communicating with pictures as opposed to words..... I even started drawing more, something I am utterly thrilled with and was thinking of possibly putting more of my artistic side into this blog.

And then on monday I fell down the stairs and broke my little finger bone in my hand.

This is currently me.....

It is a beautiful day and I'm inside resting my hand. :(

I am trying very hard not to think of the many things I can't do right now. When I got home from A&E I was devastated. First time breaking a bone.

To make up for my lack of eye liner I put flowers in my hair.
I am doing any thing I can think of to make myself feel like I am me.

I even managed to paint my toe nails today, with my left hand. It took forever and is a little bit messy but I did it!!  :)

Tomorrow I have an appointment at the fracture clinic and I am hoping for some good news.

In the mean time I am doing a lot of thinking.

Hope your all doing well, leading exciting and fulfilling lives.  :)
