Saturday, 11 February 2012

London Rollerderby!!


I can't believe this time last week I was in London at Earls Court watching rollerderby! I've been to a few bouts and love it more, as well as understand it better each time.

So here are a few photo's of some blurry rollergirls!


Half time space hopper race.

The lovely Maria and myself.

My love and I.

This year I have to get myself a pair of rollerskates!! I love to skate at the ones at my local are to heavy and hurt my feet. Doesn't encourage me to walk the mile or so there and end up with hurty feet.

But anyway, afterwards we went to the pub and it started to snow.... And we had to walk back to the hotel as London transport came to a stand still...... 2.5 miles while its snowing!! It was a relief to get back after watching some awesome rollerderby.

Happy winter!!
